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Good Citizenship


Human beings are used to live under laws and patterns that are dictated to us by society, but following those patterns does not make us good citizens.To be a good citizen first you have to be a good person.

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Genuine Relationships


Our relationships based on trust, respect and equity. We are diplomatic and sensitive to our culture. We believe that equality, shared responsibility and complementary strengths are at the core of our community.

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Strengthening Families


The key to strengthening our families is having the Spirit of the Lord come into our homes.Our goal is to unite our families together so that community could be strengthen and by this we will have the part to stand together.

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Help Community In Crises


This new world can feel scary at times. But amidst the doom and gloom, are some amazing acts of kindness appearing – community members are coming together, doing positive things for each other and proving they care.

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श्री चित्रगुप्त जी की आरती

जय चित्रगुप्त यमेश तव, शरणागतम शरणागतम।
जय पूज्य पद पद्मेश तव, शरणागतम शरणागतम।।

जय देव देव दयानिधे, जय दीनबन्धु कृपानिधे।
कर्मेश तव धर्मेश तव, शरणागतम शरणागतम।।

जय चित्र अवतारी प्रभो, जय लेखनी धारी विभो।
जय श्याम तन चित्रेश तव, शरणागतम शरणागतम।।

पुरुषादि भगवत अंश जय, कायस्थ कुल अवतंश जय।
जय शक्ति बुद्धि विशेष तव, शरणागतम शरणागतम।।

जय विज्ञ मंत्री धर्म के, ज्ञाता शुभाशुभ कर्म के।
जय शांतिमय न्यायेश तव, शरणागतम शरणागतम।।

तव नाथ नाम प्रताप से, छुट जायें भय त्रय ताप से।
हों दूर सर्व क्लेश तव, शरणागतम शरणागतम।।

हों दीन अनुरागी हरि, चाहे दया दृष्टि तेरी।
कीजै कृपा करुणेश तव, शरणागतम शरणागतम।।

Chitragupta is a Hindu god assigned with the task of keeping complete records of actions of human beings on the earth, and upon their death, deciding as regards sending them to the heaven or the hell, depending on their actions on the earth. Chitragupta Maharaj (Chitragupta the King) is the patron deity of Kayasthas.

The legend

The Hindu mythological tradition states that Yama, the Hindu god of death, used to get confused when deciding the fate of dead people and sending them to hell or heaven, in the absence of any records of their actions on earth. Yama narrated his predicament to Brahma and prayed for assistance.
At the instance of Brahma, Lord Shiva commanded Chitragupta maharaj to assume responsibility for this task. Lord Chitragupta is considered a perfect professional and is believed to keep meticulous, complete and accurate records of the actions of all human beings from their birth till death. We also know this in theosophical parlance as the "Akashic Records".



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